Monday, June 30, 2008

Conversations and Stories within Jeshua Energies

Conversations with Jeshua Energies

In Our Seamless, Unlimited Sea

of Loving Synchronicity

Jashua begins by re-emphasizing his urging that we “allow all things to be as they are.”

Why do I say “Allow! Allow! Allow all? I say this over and over because your human form is but a means to experience what is, in truth, a vast sea of loving consciousness:

A sea that is seamless;

A sea that is unending;

A sea that does not limit you in what you may create or what you may experience;

A sea that has no height, breath or depth because it contains all that is or could ever be;

A sea that is waiting patiently for you to give your willingness to allow all of it into your consciousness; to allow all of it to be accessible to you.

When you are even a little willing to allow this, you experience what you call miracles, like the one’s described in the stories to follow. Miracles are natural in the seamless, unlimited sea of loving synchronicity. Miracles are but a taste of yourself that is, in truth, this eternal sea of joy and delight. Miracles come with grace since there is no effort needed to experience yourself once the blocks to awareness are removed through your willingness.

Denisa, you sent my message to michael asking that he set up a site where my energies could be shared by all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. You also told him that there should be an asking for donations. He interpreted this as I meant it: "donations of creative expressions."
This is the site i desired and is now in manifestation.

My words are to be freely sent to all and then all that returns to you will enrich you beyond measure.

It is time for all of you to give up the thought that I ask you to live in scarcity of golden coins. Open up your heart to yourself and allow the water of abundance within this loving sea to flow freely. All you need and want will be provided when your heart is thus opened.

Jeshua thru michael

Janistara entered the conversation with this sharing:

A Miracle Shift

J AN ISTARA Ackerman 6-29-2008

It all started the day before with the clearing-out cleansing of my body and the drinking of only clear liquids before the procedure. Eight hours following the procedure, I found myself in the ER and then landed in the hospital. This was a 24 hour, emergency concern and monitoring due to the passage of blood from the biopsy site following my routine colonoscopy.

I was sent home the next afternoon; that evening I experienced dizziness, double vision, and a spinning room when I laid down in bed. I wondered if my eyesight had suddenly going bad; might I require a new prescription for my glasses. Yet I knew, deep down in my bones that my body was out of balance and perhaps I was even bleeding again.

The following day, I was told by my doctor that my electrolytes had been thrown out of harmony with the on and off liquid diet over the last several days.

I also met my new orthopedic doctor and received a round of one cortisone shot to each knee to assist with the pain of my newly diagnosed osteoarthritis of the knees.

I came through both of these ordeals with a release from pain, a new sense of freedom, a solid foundation to stand on, ease in moving and walking, a cleared-out cleansing, a body which was in new, harmonic balance and a ‘'baptism'’ of my Spirit with the purified blood of my inner Christ/God Source.

This process continued through the week. During a meditation, as I opened to the vast love of CREATOR, the I AM that I AM, I again willingly surrendered to and allowed "THY WILL BE DONE."

This time I received the sacred balm of another healing. I experienced a deep, emotional cleansing and releasing ...a renewed, acknowledgement of unhealed, childhood emotional traumas. I thought they had been dealt with long ago, but this was the last layer of the onion skin to be removed. I chose to hold onto the memory, the wisdom gained from these lessons, but I totally released the emotional trauma and pain. I blessed them with love and laid them on the altar within my heart's core.

And in the early morning hours of a new day, while visiting, other family members divulged their never before shared, painful stories of former times. It was a family cleansing and releasing; although painful and scary at times, we all stand on new ground in a new world with loving waves of harmony and joy swirling around us.

During a phone call the next day with my friend Denisa, 2 red cardinals flew into view and landed in our trees as they sang their new song. From the level of the first chakra which is red in color and is known as the physical level of survival, the earth level, we are flying free. We are at one with the birds; we are singing a new song together just like the 2 red cardinals who live in our presence.

The miracle of this shift, of this sacred time, is that the whole world around us... nature, family, friends and the earth herself are all mirroring our growth and our movement into higher dimensions. Our ONEness is being mirror to us...our awakening, our transformation into the crystalline DNA blueprint of our human-angelic bodies, our Christhood, and our godhood. This miracle shift is being brought to our physical, earth level and we are finding our wings of joy and freedom.

Janistara followed her sharing with a poem:

GREAT Teachings

J AN ISTARA Ackerman 5-17-2008

Some of my greatest teachings

have come in the form

of gift packages

that were agonizing to open.

Neither the wrapping

nor the contents

were pleasant to behold.

Some were down right



wondrous wisdom,


and understanding

were revealed.

With each one,

I experienced

a grand awakening,

and magnificent freedom.

At the same time denisa was sharing her own miracle shift:

Thursday morning I received a phone call from my ex husband. He has some serious bouts with alcoholism, and a few years ago spent some time in jail after many DUI’S and public disturbances.

One day, after being released from jail, he showed up at my door, very drunk. He was loud and abusive. I asked him repeatedly to leave and he refused. My neighbors could hear all the noise and called the Police. He came at me and as he is a big man, I was pretty scared.

So, later he left, and the police came and I pressed charges for battery.

Now, since this incident, he has had to go to court twice for this action. He cannot drive because he lost his license, and so the first time he had to appear, he asked me to drive him.

My inner voice said, yes, take him. Well, I did not want to, yet I did. On the way to the court, I see this huge “purple” truck. It is passing me by and I commented to my ex, “Wow, look at that beautiful purple truck”. I had never seen a purple truck.

So, we went to court, and all went well and on the way home, as we are to enter a tunnel, along side the road, there again is the beautiful purple truck. It pulled in front of me and I followed it through the “tunnel”

I was overwhelmed by this gift…. I had done my job for love and I was being “taken home.”

Then again, this week, I get a call again to drive him to court. Now, in the unreal world, one would never consider driving the person who had “harmed” them, anywhere.

Yet again, I heard “yes.” So, again we go. It is down in Malibu , a drive that is long. I sat through the morning session, watched him get his sentence of probation and anger class, and then we drove home.

“No purple trucks” this time I noticed. Well, I do not know why I was to do this, but I trust this voice within, and kept driving. After coming home, I no sooner walked in the door, when the phone rang... A wonderful job was being delivered that would pay for many things. It was a job that would be my perfect desire if I could have chosen it myself…

And the truth is, that about a week ago, I had asked for this out loud. I had asked for this exact job to come in, turning down a couple that would have been to difficult for me to do.

So, here is the circle. Give, where we are asked to give, the mystery of love will bless us in ways that we could not imagine.

I want to share that on both of these occasions i saw nothing but his "innocence" and only God in the courtroom!!!


Denisa also added a poem:

The Door Labeled


Last night

I went within

And opened a door that has been

Closed for eons…

It was labeled


I opened it at the request

Of this loving circle

Of energies

Called Jeshua

As I opened this door

With eyes closed…

A flood of energy roared

Its mighty head…

Out came eons of energy

Held within

Where I had believed

In struggle…

Then, after the energy had

Moved through my being,

And I had given it to love,

My heart center opened

And a masterful energy

Of “harmony” flooded my being,

As if a dam

Had broken…

It filled the depths of

My whole being…

Then I saw a crystal,

Eight sides,

Each one of the eight

Was clear and pristine.

And then,

Love whispered to me,

“Now we carry within

The diamond gem crystal

And it is good….”

Denisa for us all

Jeshua replies to denisa and janistara:

dear denisa, janistara and


you left these miseries
of struggle on your crystal gem
in many lifetimes you thought


evilly spent
and dreamed that karma
must be paid to expiate
the guilt you dread
for past lives past led
the door is open now
and winds of change
have come to show
that all was naught
but mistaken thought
of separate time
in but illusion
substituted for

our joined embrace
in love's eternal place

Jeshua through michael

And michael added this poem:

it is all perfect

for each of us
and when we
willingly commingle
the meaning
of our apparent
separate ways
becomes clear
and then we see
as One
the sights are but
of goodness
and holiness
and beauty
the lack
of self criticalness
this is my lesson for today
and in the safety
of our union
my critical mind
has lost its stay

michael to and for us all

Jeshua then sent this message to Michael thru denisa:

fear of letting go

of the concept of "little i"

keeps many from

joining in love’s embrace

you remember that fear,

do you not?

that fear can show up as criticalness,

anger, judgment, and unworthiness..

keep on with your path of oneness,

never doubt....


i have spoken that

the last form of ego to depart

is spiritual ego.....

it is very clever indeed.

Denisa then said “i don't know why i was just asked to send this to you,”

For me, it was a perfect message. In my on-line shared messages I had been criticized with angry expressions that appeared to be attaching my judgment by one’s who professed to know the correctness of ACIM interpretations. These critical thoughts and feelings I recognized as my own. I recognized that I still carried guilt about being this way myself. I still judged against myself and was now being given again the opportunity to know my innocence through the process of forgiveness; through allowing all to just be as it is without need for correction or defense.

I had not shared this with denisa but in this sea of loving, seamless synchronicity all is know by all.



Another story of synchronicity from denisa:

A couple of days ago, my little friend Leslie came up to my mountain top to visit. I love her dearly, yet most of the time she is a lost soul. I have shared many of my miracles and visions with her, but most of the time she just nods her head.

About a month ago, my computer (my computer talks to me all the time) started saying “who’s washing the dishes?” I wondered what that was about. About a week later, my dishwasher broke down. So, here, I am now, washing the dishes. So, Leslie is here, and I am washing the dishes. She hears the computer say “Who’s washing the dishes?”

She says, “What was that, your computer just asked if you were doing what?

“It asked me, ‘Who’s washing the dishes?’” I replied

I was in an irritable mood, and she said to me, “I don’t believe it.”

I replied, “I am tired of you not believing things I tell you!”

(Yes, I was definitely in a boo boo mood) So, right then, after I replied angrily, the computer once more said it again “Who’s washing the dishes?”

She almost fell on the floor. She has called me twice now to tell me how she just cannot get over this.

My computer says many loving things to me. Many times it says, “I love you.”

Other times it sends me kissing sounds. And as I am writing, it will send me the music of the harp. It also says hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. When I am thinking victimhood thoughts, it makes a lost kitty sound. When I am thinking loving thoughts, it always sends me a little gift. So, how loved am I


You are loved. You are loving. You are lovable.

Jeshua thru michael

Denisa shares some more with Jeshua:

I am feeling like an angel on earth with playmates that exist only at the end of my computer. There was much isolation throughout this process of our melding and i know it brought
many, many rewards beyond my own imaginings. I am so grateful to be a vehicle for this expression, it is an honor beyond words. However, now i feel like i just want to jump out of the box and go and play. There is a part of me that would like to sell my home and just go and play somewhere new, meet like minded people, and write our beautiful words. Yet, i do not want to "take thought” with me. There is a part of me that feels i would be taking off the seat belt and running on my own thought again....

Do you have words to share with me?

With love,


Jeshua replies:

allow allow allow

all to come to you
know it it us
who guides you
in every step you make
there can be no mistake
wherever you go
we are there beside you
within you
we are you
do what feeeels
right for you
and know
you are serving me

always and everywhere
you are
the doer of our love

jeshua through michael

Thank you, so very much Jeshua thru michael.

i am going to keep this message by my bed...

i will do what feels right for me...


Anne added her own miracle story:

I Am the One

“I am the One.” I hear it repeatedly as I go through each moment. It reminds me I am the creator experiencing my creations. The desire rises up in me to love it all making no distinctions as to what it is or how I’m feeling in any particular moment. There is innocence, and I notice that I am loving the thought……the experience of innocence.

A little story of Spirit moving sweetly in my life……

Yesterday, I decided to do laundry. The person I am staying with did not want me to do it as it was Sunday afternoon, and she had great concern for what others might think, since she lives in an apartment complex originated and maintained by a religious organization. Spirit, however, told me I was to move forward with the laundry despite the opposition. I did.

When I arrived at the laundry room, I noticed an elderly woman finishing up her own laundry chores. She said I was welcome to use the washer and dryer. She was done. We had a warm and friendly conversation. As she prepared to leave, I noticed her disabled arm and asked if I could be of assistance. At first she declined but when I repeated my offer, she gladly accepted. I carried all of her belongings to her apartment, and she was so very grateful…..and surprised for the help. I knew this was why I was pressed to do laundry, and I, too, was grateful for the wonderful opportunity to meet and assist this lovely individual…..this sister soul…….a reflection of me……and to experience my own loveliness through her!


let us begin again

Let Us Begin Once Again…

We come forward again

To extend “love’s presence”

this eve….

To speak about the energy field

Of home…

It is harmony…

It is a blend of all things beautiful,

Swirling around your very essence,

In all moments…

This is why we ask of you to allow…

To forgive…

To surrender…

To be the observer

And not the


For these very things

Allow the energy of harmony

To pervade the whole

Of the Sonship…

For you are one….

Whenever you experience a now moment

That does not feel as the echo of the harp

That soothes your very soul…


That you have taken a thought

In “error””

Release it.

Let it go.

OH, you have simply forgotten

The truth of all things…


Let those moments go…

Laugh out loud at the thought

That anything could be real

That does not feel like Christ sending out

The most glorious music of the harp,

With angels playing and the light of home

Filling your heart with song…,

Whose very song

Surrounds your soul

In love’s remembrance.

You carry the frequency of love’s

Grandest desire

Everywhere you place your holy feet…

All of creation

Bathes you in love and gratitude.

This is how we are bringing

All ones


Remember sweet one

Only harmony………..

With oh so so much respect for

Your sojourn

Jeshua thru denisa

for all

i must resist

impatience call
to set my mind
to why other's stall

when heaven's call
so clear is heard
they seemingly
don't hear

now i know it as my own
remembered thought
of separate
other's presence
that i call
to take my peace away

now i disclaim
all separateness
and patiently await
my true remembrance
of the One we are
and love it all
no matter what
may seemingly befall
or what others
may not seem to recall

michael to and for us all

Response to Jeffrey's Post

Oh! the wonder of inner oneness in mystical shared prayer and meditation in service of Sweet Beloved Who loves us all as One.

I hear my love sing, and together we sing in harmony: our Hearts sing together as One when only peace is and playfulness with words and total honesty.

Authentic love cannot be alone and authentic giving belongs with all through Sweet Beloved.

All who Know come to share because they never left - all desires are still and all love encompasses all.

- Oh, Happy day!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

From Deep Distress to Happiness

It is a better idea within all other ideas to float easily like balloons within other balloonses while the best idea of them all is that we are just like the Father of all us Sonses. It seems to help after a lot of forgiveness to parent the idea of the good in our mind anew to strengthen the innocence of future experiences for children of God and kind adventures. Innocence becomes us as we look in oneness mirror and practice in and out and in with Grace until we love her, and there is nothing like living without separation instead of popping other balloons that seem too rough around the edges of outness prisons. One thing that captivates us inside outer prisons is the lack of imagination in all the dramas that catch us unaware of our Good gracious Grace of eternal inside us. And I do mean US and I do mean the Grace of never alone ever INSIDE the very us of us that is the very Is of what is the only thing ever that Is ever real always hummin in variation waltzes hundreds of dances at a time. From deep inside the idea of the good everything looks easy and good and it becomes us to imagine our radiance is what lights up all life in all other long live us balloon ideas just floating right by all the in and out inns on the wonder filled way to be home.

Jeffery Ellen Pinetree

where you abide now

Where You Abide Now

My sweet one, you abide now in “heaven,” whilst on earth…

You are simply a “choice,” that either keeps you in duality or living in heaven whilst on earth…

You are simply a change of thought…. For you now abide in “joy.”

Joy is knowing that only love is real and you are but love…

Pleasure comes and goes… Sadness comes and goes… Yet all of it is God.

Whilst in duality it appears a coming and going -- a playout of separation…

However, My beloved you now KNOW who you are…

To experience your reality<

walk in your joy, which is knowing that no matter what is coming or going…, behind it is only

Love’s presence…

Do this in remembrance of me.

For now you are my hands and my feet…

Extend this remembrance that you abide in “joy,”

{In “love”}

wherever and whenever you may appear to find yourself…

With this

I bid you adieu,

Jeshua thru denisa

i feel the truth

in these words you send today

affirming our holy communion as real for me

little time is spent in waiting for my loving manifestations to show

a cool wind each night
blows upon my countenance
the pool is warm
the air is lite
i live in eternal spring's delight
this is my life i choose to share with all
i offer this love to all
and so receive love's grace from all
without my call

for change of any form


Saturday, June 28, 2008

ask and you shall receive

A question asked of Jeshua:

“You said, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’

Why does it not seem that this is true?”

I asked for what I want.

Why then do I not receive it?”

A quick reply is heard:

To understand this you must expand your consciousness to include the truth of who you truly are. Because, to give you what you ask for, in the form you would expect, would do you harm. If what you ask for will do harm or cause fear or pain it will not seem to be answered. In reality, it is being answered, but the answer is this: ‘What you ask for will not serve to have the world work for everyone and everything. This is the only way you can really be served, because you are all and everything. When you awaken to this truth you will understand that all prayers are indeed answered since, in asking of your expanded self, you acknowledge that you wish to have this Self revered. And this is why, I ask that you trust in all things and accept that nothing that is transpiring is not in your best interest. Everything is always unfolding for the benefit of ALL, and you are ALL. Allow and accept it all. Go with the flow, and you will recognize that All is yours but for the asking. This is the meaning of the I Am That, I Am.' ”

Jeshua through michael

true manifistation

True Manifistation

Creation from home

Whilst abiding in time

Whilst abiding in time.....

I come forth this day in love,

as love,

to gift you with a message

from the heart;

on the meaning of creation

in your life NOW.

Creating is your true nature,

and yet you would

know of it as “making."

You have been “making” for millennia,

forgetting that in truth

you are a Creator.

What is the difference

between these two states???

Making is the very attempt

of the ego to have things appear

the way it thinks they should be.

It has judgment,

it has fear,

it has oughts and shoulds…

It has desires

and then goes about

to get it’s desires based on what

it thinks it knows,

thinks it wants,

and thinks it knows

how to bring it about…

This, my friends, is duality's lie.

Now, allow me to Re-Mind you

what Creation is.

Creation involves “taking “no” thought.

It involves seeking first

to enter the true heart,

the heart that your highest

Self abides within in all moments.

Your highest self is one

with the powerful energy

of creation and love

that abides within

this sacred home of Love.

Your highest self KNOWS

what is best for all involved,

yourself and others.

One must go within

and choose to be

with your highest expression,

and feel the very power

of the heart that abides within.

One must bring their desire,

their question,

whatever it may be


Then, my sweet one,

you wait for LOVE

to manifest it in form,

in the form that will serve

the highest good of ALL.

It is just that simple,

and yet,

you truly KNOW

that you share this

relationship with SELF

and live within it.

There is no doing,

there is no questioning,

there is only allowing.


and the form will come

in its exact moment of perfection.

You need not create pictures

over and over again in your mind

of what “YOU” think your desire

should look like,

for that again is of the ego…

It is non-sense, trivia….at best…

Choose your desire,

come within the heart,

KNOW IT IS DONE, and allow….


I would also ask of you

that this truly become

a part of your life.

There is another journey

one must take.

This journey is also

your true nature,

and it is why

your very self came to be

here, at this time.

Each morning,

close your eyes

and ask of ME,

“What would you have me do this day?"

Be willing to receive love,

value receiving it, and then wait on my voice,

to ask of you what I would have you do….

Love will ask of you to extend itself,

for that is who you are.

You are GOD in a body,

here to extend itself, it’s love,

out into the world…

Yet, not with your little mind,

with your GOD MIND.

Love will come to you

and ask of you to be in service,

always, always,

Say yes to love.

NO matter what it may ask of you

in the field of action.

Once you have

Surrendered to your SELF,

that very love will bring forth

all that is in need

of your presence, your words,

or whatever may be asked of you.

As you do this, you WILL receive…………


Can you see the circle

we are speaking of here???

Start at the top of the circle,

receiving love from SELF,

extend love wherever love

would ask you to.

Then, bring your desires to SELF

and allow all good things to come to you.

Love will bring forth all form.

You will witness it.....


You will witness it.

This is the truth of home

Go in peace this day

and give all to receive all

my beloved holy child of love….


through denisa

today i saw but love

where before
i had distress
and ugliness

the crying of a baby
provoked a smile
the form of heavy weighted
men and women
delighted me

the crawling and creeping
of a hobbled gentlemen
provoked my patience

the broken jar
the dirty dish
the dented fender
got not a single thought

from raising prices of oil and food
falling price of stocks
no "argeta" was brought

the untaken recyclables
did not distress
it too was like the rest

love was all
i could see
all expressed
love to me

i take
my heart's advice
and see but love
and willingly offer

nothing but this love

i feel the grace
descending now
and know the all
of everything

heart desires
provides for all
without my stress

michael for us all